I've been away a while because I didn't have internet in Toronto.
Toronto was great! I didn't do much, I studied a bit, and ate a lot of pie (lemon meringue), and played the piano.
(only the score I had for it was in F Major)
I visited my godparents for dinner on Monday, after buying a very nice red raincoat at Value Village. On Tuesday we went for a delicious French dinner and I had scallops in Pernod. I don't usually like Pernod but this was a good use of it. And we went to see Barney's Version, which I highly recommend. On Wednesday I met up with my friend and Culture mentor Amelia at her house - she moved to Toronto for an internship - and she made risotto and a tomato-bread-parmesan-yummy-things bake, and then we baked cookies. On Thursday I came home, and for some reason the bus ride took from 2:30 til 10 p.m., despite the scheduled arrival being 9:20 even before they took out the rest stop in Kingston (we idled in the station there for easily as long as the rest stop usually is, only this time we weren't allowed to get off and walk around and get coffee and things), and there was no traffic or roadworks or anything, I didn't understand it.
Anyway, Michael met me at the bus stop. And now I'm back, studying for my exam on Tuesday and eating bacon and cuddling with Eglantine and watching Little Dorrit. The weather is not very nice, but it's supposed to improve by next week. Happy Easter!
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